Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A good workout for Sheri!

Sheri had a good workout on last Sunday. It started early in the morning when daddy and mommy made her walk to the park with us. One good thing about Sheri is that she does not like to be carried around ever since from the day she knows how to walk. She will only request to go onto the stroller when she is exhausted. However, when that happens, we will usually try to make her walk a bit further before acceding to her request.

Anyway, she did walk to the park with us and she had a good time playing in the sand box while we took turns to jog in the park.

After a good workout for all of us, we made our little girl walk home with us. Even though there were times when she stopped and wanted us to push her back in the stroller, we did not give in to her. Instead, we told her that she must continue walking until we reached the road that leads us back to the entrance of our apartment complex. I hope that will not be construed as child abuse. She was completely exhausted by the time we reached the point where we promised her that she could go up onto her stroller. She fell asleep instantly the minute we put her back onto the stroller.

Later in the evening, we brought our little girl to the pool. Usually, mommy will hold onto our little girl despite the fact that she has her little floats on her arms. However, daddy decided to let her go this time.
Poor Sheri!

Sheri: Finally, I can relax myself on the surfboard.

Sheri: It's time to call it a day! Bye! Bye!

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