Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Last day of 2007

How did we spend our last day of 2007? Actually, we did not do much on the last day of the year. We just went to Princeton to collect a kitchen gate from Oki's friend. This is little Sheri's greatest enemy as it would keep her out of the kitchen. Nowadays, she likes to go to the kitchen and look at her own reflection on the oven. Worst of all, she can reach out for the knobs on the stove when she stands up, so we feel that it is better to keep her out of the kitchen for her own safety. Since we had to drive 2 hours to Princeton, we decided to make full use of the trip. We had lunch at our favourite restaurant 'Penang', which specializes in Southeast Asian cuisine. I guess this does not sound very appealing to Singaporeans as they can easily find these dishes in local food centres. However, it is not easy to find all these local delights in the States, so mommy and daddy will always cherish every opportunity to dine in 'Penang' whenever we have a chance. We had fishhead noodles and tom yum seafood noodles. Yummy! What a great way to end 2007 with all these sumptuous local delights!
After lunch, we went to a Asian food market in Princeton to stock up our food supply. Even though it was very chilly in the carpark, little Sheri seemed to be very happy to feel the cold wind blowing her. After shopping, we went to collect the kitchen's gate before heading back home. Daylight hours are much shorter in winter. It gets dark at 4 'o' clock in the afternoon, so there is very limited outdoor activities that we can do in the winter.

After putting little Sheri to sleep at night, Mommy and daddy watched the 'Countdown' in Times Square on the television. We could not help but reminisced what we had gone through in 2007. It was an interesting year for us as we have certainly progressed from not knowing how to change diapers to taking care of a one year old baby singlehandedly. To us, this is a great achievement, and we would not have made it without constant encouragement and motivation from each other. Little Sheri also deserves some credit for keeping herself healthy and strong in her first year. Three cheers for the foo family!

Last but not least, we would like to wish all our family and friends a very 'Happy and Prosperous 2008!'

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