Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother 's Day 2007

This year's mother's day has taken on additional significance because it is my first mother's day after being elevated to the status of motherhood 4 months ago. Sheri is obviously too young to appreciate the occasion, so daddy has to take on the task of celebrating for mommy. However, daddy was not feeling too well yesterday, so we decided to postpone the celebration to next week. Even though we were at home, daddy tried to cook for mommy so that mommy could take a well-deserving break on this special occasion. Of course, I did not forget my dearest mommy in Singapore. What could be more special than hearing the voice of your daughter who is ten thousand miles away from home on this special occasion. So, I called my mum and wished her a 'Happy Mother's day' on Saturay evening in the States, which was early in the morning on Sunday in Singapore.

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