Sunday, August 20, 2006

9 months of marathon

I'm approaching 22 weeks now, which is slightly more than halfway through the whole pregnancy. There is still 18 more weeks to go. Sometimes, I feel that I'm running a 9 months marathon, getting out of breath at times. I wonder whether all the mothers share the same sentiments as me when they were pregnant. I must say that all mothers are really great. They have to endure such a long and tedious process just to conceive the baby. Three cheers for all the mothers out there!!! I really salute the hard work and the discomfort that you have endured. Sometimes, we may complain to our partners how much we are enduring, but I wonder how much they will truly understand. I hope I'm not doing a great injustice to all the daddies out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait till your baby is born! It's lots more hard work! Do enjoy your pregnancy. The baby is easiest to take care of when she's still in the womb. :)